Robot Calibration

Ensures high volumetric accuracy and performance

3D vision

KinOptim is a complete robot calibration solution fully integrated with comXtream .


  • Very easy to use and to recover
  • Doesn’t require a certified artifact
  • Offers process repeatability within 0.1mm
  • Uses many parameters including robot D-H kinematic links, TCP, base and gravity effects
Bluewrist ISO 9283 calibration of industrial robots using laser interferometry
Bluewrist Robot Calibration Capabilities

TCP Calibration

  • Compatible with all industrial robot brands
  • Contactless robotic tool calibration
  • In-line automatic TCP update
  • TCP calibration up to 6 dimensions
  • Precisely calibrates tools with physical and virtual center points
  • Operates with measurement sensors (2D/3D laser, 3D camera) mounted on the end of robot or the floor

Joint/TCP Calibration

  • Easily fits in cramped work spaces
  • Contactless and easy-to-use and easy-to-recover
  • Robot joint correction due to crash or actuators/encoders replacement
  • Can be combined with TCP calibration to update the robot end tool
  • Compatible with all industrial robot brands

ISO 9283 Test

  • Positional and orientation accuracy and repeatability
  • Distance accuracy and repeatability
  • Multi-directional pose accuracy variation
  • Drift of pose characteristics
  • Position overshoot and stabilization time
  • Path accuracy and repeatability
  • Cornering deviations
  • Path velocity characteristics
  • Minimum posing time
  • Static compliance

User Frame Calibration

  • Applicable for robot guidance, bin picking and ISO 9283 performance test
  • Requires no initial user frame informationn
  • Operates with measurement sensors (2D/3D laser, 3D camera) mounted on the end of the robot or the floor
  • User frame calculation up to 6 dimensions
  • Compatible with all industrial robot brands and most measurement systems

Volumetric Calibration

  • Offline robot calibration technology for absolute accuracy
  • Requires no certified artifacts
  • Able to identify robot kinematic parameters, TCP, base, joint compliance and gravity effects
  • Works with measurement sensors (2D/3D laser, 3D cameras) mounted on the end of the robot or the floor
  • Compatible with all robot brands and most measurement systems

Temperature Calibration

  • In-line robot calibration technology
  • Continuous robot accuracy monitoring within production line
  • Minimizes robot downtime
  • Compensates for deviations in robot parameters and TCP due to ambient temperature variation or actuator self-heating


  • Inspection temperature compensation
  • Offline Programming compensation
  • Volumetric accuracy for robot guidance
  • Continuous TCP Calibration

Please contact us for more information.
