3D Vision Random Bin Picking with Hardware Agnostic Software
Isaac Maw from Engineering.com wrote about Bluewrist 3D vision random bin picking solution:
3D Vision Random Bin Picking with Hardware Agnostic Software
Pick and place robotics has been around for decades, and it can be straightforward if the parts are always in a precise location. But in the real world, parts can come in boxes such as gaylord packaging.
To automate bin picking, robots need to be able to see and adapt to random part locations and orientations. Some bin picking systems use 2D cameras to determine part location for picking, but these systems can fail when the bin is very full or nearly empty.
To avoid this issue, Bluewrist uses time of flight algorithms to build a 3D point cloud of the bin, enabling it to select a part for picking, while avoiding collision with the bin walls and with other parts.
Moreover, this software can be configured with any hardware. In the video below, Bluewrist has set up FlexiPick with an ABB Yumi cobot and an Xbox Kinect 2 off-the-shelf sensor, but it can be set up with other sensors, robots or PLCs.